The series has announced that its fourth round will be held on the Italian island of Sardinia on October 23th and 24th.
As the South American rounds set to take place in Brazil and Argentina got postponed due to the Covid-19 situation in those counties, Extreme E organisers were looking for new venues to host the last two rounds of the inaugural championship.
Sardinia, one of the two big islands off the coast of Italy, was chosen as the replacement for the fourth round, initially supposed to be held in the Brazilian state of Para. The series has revealed that they have reached an agreement with Sardinian government officials for the island to host the race.
Despite not having many details revealed yet, Alejandro Agag, founder of Extreme E, has mentioned that the event will be called the ‘Island X-Prix’, and that they have been working alongside the Italian Automobile Club (ACI) in order to develop the forthcoming race.
Agag has also commented that “We are delighted to have the support of Sardinian president Christian Solinas, and the ACI as we plan our first European event. Together with our supportive hosts and our Scientific Committee and Partners, we will use the power of sport to educate on the causes of these climate issues which are taking place right here in front of us”.
Angelo Sticchi Damiani, president of the ACI, said that “In this broad context, the ACI, the Region of Sardinia and Alejandro Agag are working together on an agreement to host an Extreme E event. As usual, the ACI has played a fundamental role in the birth of this event and will follow it by supporting in its development”.
Photo courtesy of Extreme E