Just Electric

Local politicians continue to support Adelaide ePrix despite being deemed unfeasible

Formula E enthusiasts continue to push for an Adelaide ePrix, despite local government declaring the event too expensive at the moment.

Adelaide has been touted as a possible addition to the Formula E calendar, and has the support of tech entrepreneur Valid Dunis and billionaire industrialist Sanjeev Gupta. But the local government has said hosting an ePrix is “not currently feasible” with concerns about the investment involved and the level of interest in the event.

But Senator Tim Stoner is continuing to work with Formula E officials to make the Adelaide ePrix a reality and has written to state Tourism Minister David Ridgway to encourage him to support the event.

“We should act quickly to cement Adelaide as a mainstay in the Asian-Pacific segment of the competition, before another city beats us,” he wrote.

“Formula E race cars are much quieter than their Formula 1 equivalents and do not produce any tailpipe emissions.

“The tourism and reputational benefits would be substantial, but just as important is the alignment with advanced manufacturing in SA and the development of electric vehicles.”

Stoner has also met with Formula E’s head of partnership, David Warren. Local media reports Warren has suggested a $160,000 feasibility study and that the event could be partnered with the Adelaide 500.


Bethonie Waring

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